Do you know that if you haven't had time to visit the Telegraph in person, you can at least listen to a number of podcasts or watch presentations in video form on our website? There's a diverse range of topics to choose from, whether it's interviews with artists or recordings of our lectures and debates. And what can you discover on our website?
First and foremost, we produce recordings of the popular TTalk debate series, which invites a variety of personalities from the world of business, culture and public life in partnership with the District Chamber of Commerce. The last guest in 2022 was Czech artist Mark Ther, who is already inextricably linked to the Telegraph Gallery. He spent several months in residence there, is the author of the May exhibition and the architect of Signal III. Other past guests have included Olomouc sculptor Jan Dostál, painter, illustrator and author of the Telegraph mural of 2021 Vincent Chignier, architect and co-founder of Studio Ječmen Lukáš Blažek, who is the author of the Telegraph building's reconstruction, and Jakub Ráliš, the current director of the Museum of Homeland History. You can also listen to an interview with three guests who are united by their joint work on the reconstruction of the famous Olomouc functionalist villa in Wellnerova Street. The guests were the owner of the house René Mohyla, architect Jan Pospíšil and interior designer Jana Trundová. Other TTalk guests included Lukáš Krbeček, the man behind the HanáJede programme, healthy food entrepreneur Dominik Píchal and Olomouc kayaker Matyáš Novák.
You can also listen to recordings of the Contemporary Art Collecting lecture series, in which you can learn from successful collectors what led them to the need to own artifacts by contemporary artists. The first presenter was Telegraph owner Robert Runták, followed by Josef Maixner, collector and owner of the Hell's Sleigh collection, who presented his early path to collecting. Next, the curator, gallerist and art historian Lucie Drdová and the director of Art 4 Bechyně Nicole Stava presented together.
At the same time, recordings of a lecture series entitled Promotion in the Creative Industries were released. Guests included designer Anna Leschinger, painter Lucie Jindrák Skřivánková, curator Vojtěch Fiala, editor-in-chief of Artikl magazine Bára Alex Kašparová, artist Stanislav Ondruš and Ondřej Čížek. The latest lecture featured designers Ondřej Vicena, Kateřina Janků and Renáta Jančo.
We can also offer you a series of interviews with the artists. These interviews were conducted during their residencies with us at the Telegraph. The artists Veronika Gabriel and Laura Limbourg worked together there in February and March 2022. This was immediately followed by a two-month residency by Mark Thera, and in June the sculptor Dominik Adamec took part in the residency. And in November, Danish conceptual artist Søren Dahlgaard spent a week with us.
And finally, our news! Ondřej Riffler has joined our team, taking on the new TLGRPH video podcasts. Ondřej worked for several years in the editorial team of the Prague-based Czechmag magazine, where he was writing reviews of music albums, mapping the latest international projects or adding his own insights on the social scene through original articles. In the podcasts, you can learn about the behind-the-scenes of theatre and film production, how a painting is made, or how the art market works, as well as how those who are now the top in their fields got their start. So he has already invited painter David Pešat, photographer David Těšínský, art collector Alexandra Karpuchina, founder of the cultural monthly Artikl Katerina Janečková, DJ and producer Robert Pavlou, and artist Natalia Šimonová.
List of podcasts and videos:
Talk: Mark Ther / Jan Dostál / Vincent Chignier / Lukáš Blažek / Jakub Ráliš / Miroslav Pospíšil / Jaroslav Miller / Karla Mornstein-Zierotin / René Mohyla, Jan Pospíšil, Jana Trundová / Lukáš Krbeček / Dominik Píchal / Matyáš Novák
Contemporary art collecting: Robert Runták / Josef Maixner / Lucie Drdová, Nicole Stava
Promotion in creative industries: Anna Leschinger, Lucie Jindrák Skřivánková, Vojtěch Fiala / Bára Alex Kašparová, Stanislav Ondruš, Ondřej Čížek / Ondřej Vicena, Kateřina Janků, Renáta Jančo
Presentation by artist: Søren Dahlgaard / Rita Koszorús, Jakub Sýkora, Ladislav Daněk
Podcasts with artists: Veronika Gabrielová and Laura Limbourg / Mark Ther / Dominik Adamec
TLGRPH podcast with Ondrej Riffler: Ondrej Vicena / Matouš Kašpar / Jakub Sýkora / David Pesat / David Těšínský / Alexandra Karpuchina / Bára Alex Kasparová / Katerina Janečková / Robert Pavlů / Natália Šimonová
By Inka Ličková, Jan Malý / Telegraph Gallery