Telegraph Coworkers: #1

26 1 2022

Martin Krištof is a regular member of Telegraph Coworking, who can always be contacted for advice or recommendations. His areas of expertise include IT, technology and customer care. Martin is the head of the Olomouc branch of, which offers remote IT assistance services.

Martin - Marwin help

Can you give us a brief overview of what Marwin help does and who this service is for?, in short, is remote IT support for small businesses (up to about 10 employees), freelancers, individuals and families.
What makes us unique is that we can remotely resolve about 98% of our customers' requirements, thanks to image sharing on both NTB and Smartphone, as well as the use of AR (augmented reality) technology, with which we can remotely service devices (printers, routers, SmartTVs, Smart...) and perform tasks that traditional IT support can only fix in person/physically.
Another significant difference is the "language". Our IT assistants speak in a way that customers can understand and understand them. We try to avoid "technicalisms" as much as possible, while not selling any software or HW, so we can recommend the best for our customers - directly tailored to them.

Has Marwin Help been affected in any way by the coronavirus crisis?

Yes, definitely, and in a positive way.
It gave rise to this particular service. Our parent company was running in-person IT support, but during the start of the COVID pandemic, our customers refused physical visits, so we were looking for technologies that would allow the same extensive remote service, and a simple Teamviewer solution really wasn't enough. With our solution, we save a lot of costs, which translates into a more comfortable price for our clients.

Where are you heading?

As a Startup, we get inspired a lot by our customers and their feedback. We started with B2C clients, then we found out that we are also in demand in the B2B segment with smaller companies that don't find the traditional way of IT support worthwhile, and we will see where we can penetrate further. We have other directions set, but it's a secret for now.

Why did you open a branch in Olomouc? What does the Olomouc IT job market look like?

The reason was geographical accessibility. We have other offices in Bratislava and Prague and we wanted to go to a bigger city for future expansion. Moreover, Brno has very high salaries :)
We are already successful in finding the right IT assistants. However, we are still struggling to find a senior colleague with several years of experience to add to our team.

Marwin help has been based at the Telegraph since it opened. Why did you choose this space? What do you appreciate most about working in a coworking space?

Definitely the fact that we have shared facilities that we don't need all the time. At the same time, we can use it when we need it and thanks to that we save money on renting an otherwise necessarily larger space. I am thinking mainly of the meeting room and the "phone booths".
Plus we like the nice modern and bright interior of the Telegraph.

What would you wish for the Telegraph in the future?

I wish that despite the difficult COVID situation, you manage to build the right, mutually supportive coworking community of people who will come to you not only for the beautiful space and your services, but also for the bunch of people they meet here.

By Sofiia Taranenko / Telegraph Hub