September: what the gallery does

1 9 2024 | Autor: Eliška Skácelová

What are we planning for September at Telegraph Gallery?

If you visit Telegraph Gallery regularly, you will know that our programme goes beyond the gallery space. In addition to long-term exhibitions, throughout the year you can look forward to pop-up exhibitions in the cinema and loft, residencies by Czech and international artists, always ending with an Open Studio in their studio. You can also look forward to lecture series focusing on the work of contemporary artists, the work of curators and on collecting contemporary art with collectors, gallerists and curators.

This month will start with the opening of the new exhibition FLOTSAM & JETSAM and there will also be a programme to celebrate European Heritage Days.


5 Sep - 21 Nov 2024 Jake Chapman: FLOTSAM & JETSAM

On 5 Sep you can look forward to the opening of a new exhibition by British artist Jake Chapman entitled FLOTSAM & JETSAM. Jake Chapman's work focuses on feelings of oppression and cultural emptiness, which have become a major theme of this exhibition. The work on display includes not only memories of working with his brother Dinos Chapman in the 1990s, but also a reflection on the defunct counterculture of the 1960s and the existential collapse of humanity. The opening reception will take place at 6pm and admission is free.


7 - 8 Sep 2024 Chapman Brothers: An Exhibition at the Telegraph Loft

And not to be outdone by the Chapmans, we've got another short-term exhibition at the Telegraph Loft. Not only will Jake Chapman be exhibiting his work, but also his brother Dinos. The brothers have made their mark on the art world with their controversial works. The most famous is a sculpture of joined Barbie dolls. Not only that, you can see it 7-8/9 on the top floor of the Telegraph Building. But there is much more to come throughout the Telegraph building as part of European Heritage Days!


7 Sep 2024 10:00 European Heritage Days: Tour of the Telegraph Building

Are you interested in the history of our Telegraph Building? How has it been transformed? And what does it have to offer you today? Find out all of this information on a guided tour of the Telegraph Building to mark European Heritage Day. Starting on the ground floor of the gallery, you will explore the coworking space, take a look in the café, see the aforementioned exhibition in the loft and finally enjoy the view of Olomouc from the iconic Telegraph roof.


7 Sep 2024/ 19:00 European Heritage Days. The programme also includes a video screening of ten short films by Mark Ther made before 2004. The films will be accompanied by a commentary by the artist and a short discussion at the end. All these events are prepared for you on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, so don't miss them!

We look forward to seeing you!