THEME: Big films for small audiences

2 12 2021

Téčko: Big films for small audiences.

Mommy and Mr. Director must listen. So says the classic. And so does our Mr. Dramaturg, who's putting on Ticktoe - The Little Viewer's Film Club. We show smart films for smart kids. And tired parents. Where else can you put your little one in the cinema and have a fantastic coffee during the film? Films at Téčko are carefully selected to appeal to children's tastes and not offend mums, dads, grandmas, grandpas or great-grandpas. The best of the world's animation, family films and children's blockbusters. Valuable works that delight with imagery, captivate with story, convey experience, develop vocabulary, and stir emotions. Everything that is not seen on television. The best of the screen for all children. Not a bedtime story, not a ghost story, but a cinematic experience. The youngest generation deserves it. Read more about the upcoming films in the Programme section.

Every Sunday after lunch