August: What the gallery does

31 7 2024 | Autor: Eliška Skácelová

What are we planning for August at Telegraph Gallery?

If you visit Telegraph Gallery regularly, you will know that our programme goes beyond the gallery space. In addition to long-term exhibitions, throughout the year you can look forward to pop-up exhibitions in the cinema and loft, residencies by Czech and international artists, always ending with an Open Studio in their studio. You can also look forward to lecture series focused on the work of contemporary artists, the work of curators and collecting contemporary art with collectors, gallerists and curators.

In mid-August we will say goodbye to the exhibition GOOD BOY by Slovak artist Andrej Dúbravský. But before the vernissage, a children's workshop will take place.


7 Aug 2024 16:00 Workshop for the GOOD BOY exhibition

If you don't know where to go with your children during the holiday season, come to our gallery for the last program for the GOOD BOY exhibition. We have comics, coloring pages and a special activity for the kids that always focuses on trrent exhibition. They will try out different tasks and create their own artwork. Admission is free for children and their accompaniment.


15 8 2024 18:00 Dernissage / guided tour: Andrej Dúbravský

With the end of the exhibition we are waiting for the classic final dernissage. For those who missed the guided tour associated with the launch of the GOOD BOY exhibition catalogue, or want to repeat the experience, the dernissage includes another guided tour with Andrej Dúbravský. The event offers a great opportunity to hear stories and have questions answered about his work. Admission is free.



For a few days at the end of the month, the cinema will be transformed into an exhibition space for Ukrainian-born artist Margarita Ivy. Like last month, you can visit the exhibition opening and the artist-in-residence's Open Studio on the same day. Margarita focuses on working with deceased animals encased in epoxy. In the exhibition you will see works that were created during her residency at the Telegraph. Admission to the exhibition and Open Studio is free.


21 8 7pm Open Studio: Margarita Ivy

As is customary - always at the end of an artist residency, there is an Open Studio. The meeting will once again be part of an artist's double-block. Once the opening is over, you can come and see where the works on display were created.

We look forward to seeing you there!