When the lights go out in the Telegraph.
Maybe the shop assistant told you, maybe your neighbour told you, or maybe your friends told you the secret. Either way, it's true! The Telegraph is indeed filming a new Czech comedy called When the Lights Go Out, directed by Andy Feha and starring Petra Hřebíčková, Martin Pechlát and Vojta Kotek. The film is an adaptation of the play of the same name by Olomouc authors Michaela Doleželová and Roman Vencl and the filmmakers chose Telegraph for its unique design and architectural solution. The filmmakers will work their magic. For example, Telegraph Loft will be turned into a luxury restaurant and Telegraph Coworking into a gynaecology reception. But that's all we're going to say. You'll have to wait until February 2026 when the film premieres.
The Telegraph's operation is uninterrupted during filming! There will be some minor restrictions, with an increased number of people and equipment in the building. However, all floors of the Telegraph - from the Gallery to Pulse - will remain open for most of February. Exceptionally, there may be times when some parts of the Telegraph will not be accessible, the project is a challenge for our entire team, organisation and production, so we very much ask for your understanding and helpfulness. In general, however, we don't shut down, we work! Filming will end on 2/24/2025. We'll keep you updated on our social media channels as it progresses.
Currently known restrictions:
8 2 from 3pm closed Gallery
9 2 all day closed Gallery
17 2 all day closed Pulse