July: What does the gallery do?

1 7 2024 | Autor: Agnesa Kiszkova

If you visit the Telegraph Gallery regularly, you will know that our programme goes beyond the gallery space. In addition to long-term exhibitions, throughout the year you can look forward to pop-up exhibitions in the cinema and loft, residencies of Czech and international artists, always ending with an Open Studio in their studio. You can also look forward to lecture series focusing on the work of contemporary artists, the work of curators, and on collecting contemporary art with collectors, gallerists and curators.


As for the main exhibition, GOOD BOY will stay with us for a while longer in the gallery, until mid-August. However, the catalogue launch in June has ensured that you can enjoy the work of Andrej Dúbravsky with a publication focused on it.


3 - 7 7 2024 Still stuck: Patrik Adamec

The current artist in residence is Patrik Adamec, who explores urban alleys with a distinct imagination and a deep interest in human archetypes. He is fascinated by the city not only as a collection of buildings, but also as a dynamic ecosystem in which different human stories intertwine. Come see this for yourself on 3/7 at 6pm when the Still Stuck exhibition opens at the cinema and will be on view for 4 days. The POP-UP exhibition will be open with Telegraph Pulse opening hours. How about combining the aesthetic experience with the gastronomic one like this?


3 7 2024 / 7:00 PM - Patrik Adamec Open Studio

We'll stay with Patrik Adamec. Beyond his research predilections, his playful sculptures reflect the question, "What is it?" You can find the answer to that question during the regular Open Studio, which serves as a kind of dernire for artist residencies at the Telegraph. The Open Studio, presenting both works-in-progress and sculptures in the environment in which they were created, will this time follow the opening of the exhibition Still Stuck at 7pm. So you can find answers to unanswered questions from the opening right here in Open Studio.


10 7 2024 / 16:00 Workshop for the GOOD BOY exhibition

Andrej Dúbravský's paintings manage to connect the interest of both adults and the little ones... just as they connect the innocence of nature with modern (maybe even bizarre) phenomena. Inspired by the GOOD BOY exhibition, the workshops are designed to encourage your children's creative thinking, and they can try out a variety of techniques and materials. 
Admission is free for children and chaperones.



The next lecture in the series Collectors of Contemporary Art will be given by Vladimír Beskid, a Slovak curator and art historian, currently the director of the Ján Koniarek Gallery in Trnava. The lecture series is intended for laymen interested in art and collectors. Are you also interested in contemporary art? Come to the lecture on July 17, and maybe it will inspire you to create your own collection of contemporary art!

We look forward to seeing you!