Videocast Jake Chapman: FLOTSAM & JETSAM 1/3

17 9 2024

Telegraph Gallery
5 9 – 21 11 2024 

Umělec / Jake Chapman
Kurátor / Mark Sanders 

The term ‘Flotsam & Jetsam’ refers in English to debris or ‘Flotsam’ found in the sea that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often as the result of a shipwreck or accident, and debris ‘Jetsam’ that was deliberately thrown overboard by a crew of a ship in distress, most often to lighten the ship’s load. A sense of distress and cultural off-loading is certainly the central tenant in the current offering at the Telegraph Gallery by British artist Jake Chapman who in recent years has tackled not only the remembered legacy of his own collaborative work with his brother Dinos Chapman in the 1990s but also the cultural memory and projection of a now-defunct 1960s counterculture and humanities immanent existential collapse.