The combination of the motifs of architecture and transfiguration directly invites us to polemicise the contrast between the past and the future. This transformation can relate to the purposes of buildings, overall architectural trends or public space, which is why we have invited leading figures from our art and architecture scene.
The following will participate in the debate:
Dan Merta (*1963) studied art history and aesthetics at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava. He has also worked as a curator at Prague Castle, but his career extends far beyond fine art. From 1996 to 2000 he worked as the head of the Department of Culture in Prague 3 - Žižkov, where he co-founded the modern tradition of the Žižkov carnival and the Vinohrady vintage festival. He was one of the founders of the Initiative for a New Prague and Tady není developerovo (2011). Since 2001 he has been the head of the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague.

20:00 PRELIMINARY: Architecture of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 58-89 (2024); 160 Kč // free for accredited
Jan Zajíček's Architecture of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic 58-89 offers a full-length journey to see portraits of unique buildings in the Czech Republic and Slovakia that were built in the pre-revolutionary era, accompanied by testimonies of leading architects.
FESTIVAL PASS (4 DAYS) does not include admission to the opening performance of TRANSFIGURATION, but guarantees a 22% discount.
With the CINEPHILE PASS (4 DAYS) you get free entry to the TRANSFIGURATION performance.
Simply present valid accreditation at the time of ticket purchase or at the door.
Program changes subject to change.