Patrik Adamec
Open Studio

3 7 2024 / 19:00
atelier art

Patrik Adamec is working on his residency in Telegraph during May and June. His own artworks will be represented at the opening of the exhibition Still Stuck. The visitors are invited to the backstage of the studio as part of Open Studia. 

Patrik Adamec (*1994), despite the fact that he is originally from the north Czech town Chomutov, he spent a decade of his life with parents in Florida. After returning to the Czech Republic Patrik decided to study architecture and industrial design at ČVUT. In 2007 he was accepted to The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Patrik Adamec is an extensive explorer, who jumps into research of town's streets with huge fantasy and sincere interest in human’s archetypes. In fact, that city for him is not only a group of buildings, but a living ecosystem, where people's stories are connected. The work table, which is considered as the mirror of the soul, is full of unwanted, discarded and forgotten treasure from city exploration. He does not only observe, but also he actively collects fragments of everyday life, which transforms to the art objects. In his playful objects appears a question: "What is it actually?". He creates a connection between convention and randomness, makes the voyeur uncertain and forces him to think. His artwork is an invitation to look from another perspective. To the world, which surround each of us, however we often overlook it. 



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