Matouš Háša

1 3 2021

Sculptor Matouš Háša (*1992) is a graduate of Academy of Fines Arts in Prague, although his experience was accumulated in Florence (Libera Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze) as well as in London (Middlesex University London). In response to current events in culture and society, he works with the medium of figural sculpture, which he places into iconographic contexts as a reminder of symbolic and archetypal visual representation. Thanks to their combined inspiration from classical sculpture (Michelangelo, Rodin) and contemporary figural artists (Marc Quinn, Banksy), his work is a formal continuation of the tradition of Western sculpture. Through the sculptures' meaning, the context in which they were made, and their placement, he applies this tradition without robbing it of its authenticity and spiritual content. Háša explores the question of identity, which the present day has robbed of mystery and privacy.