In the Contemporary Art Collecting lecture series you will learn from successful and emerging collectors or curators and experts in contemporary art investment what impulses led them to become interested in the contemporary art market. They will reveal how they build or help build their collections, and what their criteria are for selecting specific works. The lecture series is aimed at the complete layman with an interest in art, as well as collectors who are puzzling over how to evaluate their collection or create a remarkable and unique collection.
Pavla Kosař and Miroslav Jiřele, the curators of Signal IV: The Eighties, will give a talk.
Pavla Kosař
Art historian, co-owner of Etcetera Auctions. She graduated in art history and at the Faculty of Arts in Brno. From 2009 to 2012 she studied at New York University (Art Business and Art Appraisal). She has been working in the Czech auction market for over 15 years. As part of her doctoral studies at the Brno Faculty of Arts, she conducts seminars focusing on the art market at the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno.
Miroslav Jiřele
Curator, co-owner of Etcetera Auctions. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, where he studied Conceptual Tendencies and Graphics and Visual Communication. He works as a curator focusing on art of the 80s and 90s with a focus on the youngest generation of artists. He is systematically involved in the art market and assists private collectors as a consultant with the conception of collections and the realization of acquisitions.
Programme subject to change.