23 11 2023 / 18:30
loft english friendly

Put on your headphones and keep your eyes open.



18:00 Dernissage of the current exhibition
18:30 Launch of Audiowalk Telegraph
19:30 Performative part of the project called FIFTH FLOOR


Five floors, twelve stops. Take a tour through the Telegraph's multifunctional space. Audiowalk is an interactive experience that will deepen your time in the gallery, café or even in a phone booth. Plus, learn more about local architecture and design. With headphones on, you'll listen to the story of the Telegraph and discover the unsuspected details of this place. The Telegraph Audiowalk is a unique opportunity to slow down and step away from everyday life for a while. Just lift your eyes and look up. Or touch the waves with your fingertips.

Let the narrator guide you, or chart your own path.
The twelfth stop will bring you back to reality... though maybe not quite. The site-specific contemporary dance performance in an exclusive penthouse loosely follows the audio walk and this time, without headphones, pushes the boundaries of sensory adventure one level higher - to the Fifth Floor.

The idea. Screenplay: Aminata Keita and Michael Miju Goldschmid
Directed by Aminata Keita
Music and Sound: Michael Miju Goldschmid
Cast: Ondřej Král



Will everything change tomorrow? A stage performance by Daniela Hanelová and Sayon Keita, accompanied by electronic music by Michael Mija Goldschmid and video art by Betty Huclová. The project is created in just twenty-four hours, culminating in an unforgettable live performance in an exclusive loft apartment.

The Fifth Floor loosely follows the Audiowalk Telegraph through the four floors of the Telegraph, pushing the boundaries of sensory adventure even further.

Written and directed by Aminata Keita



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