AI vs. automation or how to prepare for the future of NOwork

19 9 2023 / 17:00
cinema lecture business

Many of us are overwhelmed by boring and repetitive tasks that prevent us from pursuing what we really enjoy and find rewarding. What if we could leave these tasks to artificial intelligence or automation to handle them faster and more efficiently? Then you should consider the option of NOwork. NOwork is a concept that uses artificial intelligence and automation to remove all those tasks that are a burden from your life. NOwork allows you to focus on what is important to you, what fulfills you and what gives you purpose. NOwork is the future of work that is happening now. In this talk you will learn how NOwork could work, what the benefits are and how to prepare for it. You'll see that AI and automation are not enemies, but allies to help you live a better life.



  • Introduction to AI. What is AI? How long has it been with us? Current developments. Examples of how it works and doesn't work.
  • What is possible with AI today. AVATARA demonstration, practical examples from different industries
  • Practical applications of AI. Demonstrations of solutions to different scenarios.
  • Tips on the most interesting applications that can help in everyday life.
  • Explanation of the difference between LoCode, Automation and AI
  • Will AI replace us?
  • Discussion on audience topics (topics will be collected through a mobile questionnaire)



Jan Hubka is a consultant, partner and a DIGITASKer on the road to NOwork.

He specializes in showing the possibilities of automation and artificial intelligence expanding the horizons in the digital realm. If you are looking for a suitable digital solution, he will be happy to help you choose the right tool. As an independent consultant, he is constantly researching new technologies and solutions. He will show you how you can effectively use automation and AI in practice and simplify your daily processes.

Honza has 3 beautiful children and a great wife who he hasn't yet taught how to use a shared calendar.


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