The guest of the February TTalk will be Jana Lébrová, Olomouc native, junior bowling representative and founder of the successful Olomouc marketing agency Evenpro. Since 2015, when she founded Evenpro, they have worked and are still working with brands such as Nestlé Zora Olomouc, L'Oréal, Makro, Siemens, Innomotics and the Faculty of Science of UP.
The team of 12 women at Evenpro also has a strong sense of social responsibility and therefore gives women the chance to work part-time after returning from parental leave, gives lectures on HR topics, offers student internships and actively supports various charity projects and sports clubs.
How does a start-up agency go about working with global brands, how does a female team differ from a male one and do they sometimes miss the male element in their team? How does Jana Lébrová perceive Olomouc, how does she manage to combine running a company with raising three children and does she still participate in bowling competitions or does she bowl just for fun? This and much more will be answered by TTalk!
Moderated by Radim Kašpar (District Chamber of Commerce) and Robert Runták (TLGRPH). The TTalk debate series in cooperation with the District Chamber of Commerce invites interesting personalities from the world of business, culture and public life to the Telegraph.
Programme subject to change.