We broadcast art in a broad spectrum, so we have prepared a workshop for children directly in the Telegraph Gallery. So even the youngest can experience the New Positions in British Painting exhibition (24 Aug - 23 Nov 2023). Markers, crayons, we have everything for you.
Watching art being made in a particular place at a time of tumultuous socio-political change is always interesting. Artists don't have to deal directly with socially motivated themes to make it clear, often from the very atmosphere of the work or its subject matter, that "something is different". They are sometimes the first to sense an impending social or political change, and their reactions are not long in coming.
The selection of the artists was based not only on their individual talents, but also on the fact that each of them occupies a unique position within contemporary British painting, offering a truly individual perspective to the Czech audience. Tom Anholt, Jessie Makinson, Justin Mortimer, David Brian Smith and Caroline Walker are undoubtedly among the most talented, distinctive and influential painters working in Britain today.
It's cinema. It's a gallery. And in between is TEFF.
This year, the third annual film showcase of films about visual art, art in film and video art is united by the theme "Within Reach." In fact, Up Close, our film festival this year will bring you up close to the personalities of the art world, and you'll even be able to enter some worlds in VR. The festival runs from Wednesday evening 18 October 2023 to Saturday night 21 October 2023.
Also visit on Friday:
15:30 VR Painting LIVE (performance) 180 Kč
17:30 Panel Discussion: AI and Art (debate) Free entry
20:00 Preview of JEFF KOONS: INTIMATE PORTRAIT (film) 160 Kč
-->Full Day Pass (DAY 3) Friday 20 October 300 Kč / REDUCED 250 Kč
-> TEFF23 Festival Pass 680 Kč / REDUCED 600 Kč