Is art moving into virtual space? Artist and winner of the VR painting championship Michal Škapa will paint a virtual painting in front of your eyes in our cinema room and you will be able to watch the whole process right in front of you. The 3D painting will be available for you to see and explore until 17:30, and the theme (of the painting and the festival) is Within Reach.
Michal Škapa / Tron (1978) is one of the most important artists associated with the Czech graffiti scene. He belongs to the strong generation of writers of the 90s and has long been one of its leading personalities. Škapa's qualities are evidenced by the fact that he has managed to establish himself in galleries. He was one of the artists associated with the legendary Trafo Gallery in Prague, and has been working with Meet Factory, where he has had his own studio for eleven years. As an artist, he works with a variety of media and formats, from murals, acrylic manuscript abstraction and airbrush figurative compositions to site-specific installations and spatial objects. He also works as a graphic designer. Škapa founded the association Analog! Bros serigraphic workshop and works closely with the BiggBoss publishing house. He has participated in several important presentations, be it the unsurpassed international graffiti and street art show Names (2008) or the exhibition City of Obsession (2012) at the Prague City Gallery. He also represented the Czech Republic at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. His major exhibitions include 00 NIC at Trafo Gallery (2011), Ode wall to wall at the Gallery of Fine Arts (GAVU) in Cheb (2012) and a major project called Graffoman at Chemistry Gallery in Prague (2014). Graffoman was followed by the successful exhibition Analfabet at Trafo Gallery (2017), which he accompanied.
It's cinema. It's a gallery. And in between is TEFF.
This year, the third annual film showcase of films about visual art, art in film and video art is united by the theme "Within Reach." In fact, Up Close, our film festival this year will bring you up close to the personalities of the art world, and you'll even be able to enter some worlds in VR. The festival runs from Wednesday evening 18 October 2023 to Saturday night 21 October 2023.
Also visit on Friday:
17:30 AI and Art Panel Discussion (debate) free entry
20:00 Preview of JEFF KOONS: INTIMATE PORTRAIT (film) 160 CZK
--> Full Day Pass (DAY 3) Friday 20 October 300 Kč / REDUCED 250 Kč
-> TEFF23 Festival Pass 680 Kč / REDUCED 600 Kč