How does a depressed person perceive the world?
Tmania is an autobiographical animated film that uses virtual reality to depict the authentic experiences of a young person with depression. It brings not only a deep insight into the "dark night of the soul", but also hope and a way to cope with the illness. The main character Ondřej accompanies the viewer on this journey. We share his feelings during his first depressive episodes on a family trip as a child, at university while striving for perfect results, and later at work during his daily struggles with the depressive "darkness."
With him, the viewer walks through the interactive story, can literally touch his world and lend a helping hand to the hero. The film allows you to experience and understand for a moment what it is like to live with this illness, and what mechanisms people with depression can use to feel better. Andrew discovers that his way to fight depression is through his own voice. Darkness opens up the debate about the pains of the soul, offering therapeutic effect and hope that even with an illness like depression, it is possible to lead a fulfilling life.
Darkness by director Ondřej Moravec, production designer Bára Anna Stejskalová and producer Hana Blaha Šilarová has been selected for the Venice Immersive section of the Venice IFF. The film had its Czech premiere in the competition section at the Jihlava IDFF and was nominated for the Czech Lion for Best Animated Film.
The film is shown in groups every half hour, according to tickets purchased.
VR Film / Short Film / Animation
Czech Republic / Germany, 2022, 25 min
Directed by Ondřej Moravec
It's cinema. It's a gallery. And in between is TEFF.
This year, the third annual film showcase of films about visual art, art in film and video art is united by the theme "Within Reach." In fact, Up Close, our film festival this year will bring you up close to the personalities of the art world, and you'll even be able to enter some worlds in VR. The festival runs from Wednesday evening 18 October 2023 to Saturday night 21 October 2023.
On the same day, visit:
10:00 - 18:30 FRESH MEMORIES - THE LOOK (VR exhibition) +100 Kč
-> Day Pass (DAY 4) Saturday 21 October 250 Kč / REDUCED 220 Kč
-> TEFF23 Festival Pass 680 Kč / REDUCED 600 Kč