SUMMER CINEMA: Beetlejuice

10 8 2023 / 21:00
atrium summer cinema movie english friendly

Hollywood star-studded cult film about a wacky ghost (Michael Keaton) directed by Tim Burton. Come along for a rooftop ride on the edge of comedy and horror that will soon earn its long-awaited second installment!

Adam and Barbara are a normal couple who... happen to be dead. They've taken their precious time to decorate and furnish the house they live in to their liking, but unfortunately their family is moving in. And not quietly! Adam and Barbara try to scare them off, but end up becoming the main attraction for the family who make money off them. They call Beetlejuice to help them, but Beetlejuice intends to do more than just help.

Czech subtitles
Comedy / Fantasy / Horror
USA, 1988, 92 min
Directed by Tim Burton


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