Radovan Jurka: Hawaii, life and destruction

26 3 2024 / 18:30
cinema lecture

From the depths of the Pacific, they are born and returned to the frothy element by the force of erosion "in their old age". In the meantime, however, for millions of years, they become a breathtaking sanctuary for life that thrives in impenetrable rainforest, on the slopes of giant volcanoes, in tidal pools, or on inaccessible cliffs above the ocean. Hawaii is not just synonymous with relaxation and beach holidays. Above all, they are islands where life has taken hold far from the mainland and where we can admire its diversity and originality all year round. Add in the intermingling of many ethnicities and cultures and you get dishes quite different from the traditional American apple pie or the stereotypical hamburger.


Radovan Jurka

If it weren't for the covid, he would be in his twentieth season as a tour guide. He specializes in the USA, western Canada, New Zealand and selected countries in South America. In his spare time, he likes to freewheel his pilgrimage through life to places mostly in Asia and South America, though the western US is buried deepest under his skin. He likes to try to gain perspective on life on the ridges and in the valleys of mountain ranges.



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