OLDIES CINEMA: 2001 - A Space Odyssey

5 8 2024 / 20:00
cinema art movie english friendly

The evolution and meaning of humanity's existence through several epochs, during which man is confronted with the ominous and silent symbol of extraterrestrial life. A science-fiction film after which cinematic science-fiction was never the same again, and a concurrently written science-fiction novel of the same name after which science-fiction literature changed forever. One of the greatest myths in film history and a joint masterpiece by two figures in their respective fields - director Stanley Kubrick and writer Arthur C. Clark. An unparalleled journey beyond the boundaries of human experience, beyond the limits of space and time...

OLDIES CINEMA – a quartet of immortal American films that will return, often after more than half a century, to the silver screen for this summer only.


Czech subtitles
2001: A Space Odyssey
Sci-Fi / Adventure
UK / USA, 1968, 149 min
Directed by Stanley Kubrick

Program subject to change.
