Søren Dahlgaard (*1973) is a Danish conceptual artist based in Copenhagen. He studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London and the Victorian College of the Arts at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His artistic practice often involves playful participation and engagement laced with sly humor. However, he also works with serious global issues, at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013, he addressed the topic of the climate crisis and climate change by employing play and symbolism. He exhibited a caravan that represented a shelter for climate refugees. He placed an inflatable tropical island on the top of the caravan, and its interior served not only as an exhibition space but also as a place for meetings, education, and discussion. Søren Dahlgaard has exhibited his work all over the world. For example, at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, Tate Modern in London, and MoMA in New York.