European Heritage Days: a tour of the Telegraph Building

7 9 2024 / 10:00
whole TLG tour

VIEWS ARE HAPPENING at 10:00 am; 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.


A vacant building before renovation in a plain development near the station. How has it been transformed? What does it offer today? On the occasion of European Heritage Days, we are returning after a year to give a guided tour of the building, which houses our gallery, coworking space, restaurant, cultural hall, etc. It is 0 and it is ∞. In between is the Telegraph. Guided tours will take you through the interiors to the upper terrace. They will look at the original plans by the architects at Barley Studio, the actual process of building the building and its final form. Each floor has a different color and a different story.

Event is expected to last 60-90 min.



Complete DED Program:


Saturday 7 Sep 2024

Jake Chapman: FLOTSAM & JETSAM

10:00, 13:00 and 16:00 Guided tours of the Telegraph Building

15:00 LITTLE T: OZI - Voice of the Forest

19:00 Films by Mark Thera



Programme subject to change.

whole TLG
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